
Dear Dell team,

I’m a business user and in principle a big fan of your XPS series, especially due to the beautiful small frame, the long battery life and elegant design. I’d actually buy one, though, I totally don’t understand you model policy. The XPS was at least partly marketed as the perfect workhorse for business users. And, if you have low hardware requirements, it may actually be, but only in combination with the matte FHD screen. Let me briefly explain why:


Dear Mr Topilin!

Firstable, congratulations for such a big success, to win half of the restaurants in the city as customers for your wifi systems. Unfortunately, your success is my grief, as that way I’m kind of forced to use your wifi systems everyday when I sit somewhere for a coffee. Really, it could be a more pleasant experience! So please let me briefly elaborate my grief and suggest some small fixes for the wifi system, that would make the life of especially your frequent end users much easier.