Every day we read news about covid 19, and the supposedly bad situation. But unlike the situation is presented in the media, there is also good news. The more science learns about covid, the better we understand how it should best be dealt with. During the last months, many interesting scientific research papers got published, and many of them actually seem to see the situation less grim as you might think it is.
Already in October, a study from Prof. John Ioannidis, the worlds most prominent epidemiologist, published a large meta study together with the WHO. They analyzed the results of 61 studies about covid 19 across the world and found that the infection fatality rate is about 0.2%. This is about the same rate as for the usual flu. For people younger than 70 years, the rate is only 0.05%. This is actually very good news, as it shows, that covid is far less dangerous than most people expected earlier this year.